Field Trips

Board policy for ALL field trips

All field trips that take place must receive prior written approval by the Principal.  The Principal shall ensure that the sponsoring teacher has set out in writing the educational objective of the activity and how the proposed field trip or excursion relates to the charter school’s educational program, the ratio of adult/students for the activity, and plans showing the best use of the students’ learning time.  Such plans must also provide that proper food and water will be available during the activity and the means of transportation to and from the activity.  

All field trips must be approved by the board.  If the Board does not approve the field  trip or excursion, the reasons for not approving the activity must be stated in writing. The Principal School may exclude from the field trip or excursion any student whose presence on the field trip or excursion would pose a safety or disciplinary risk.   The Principal shall not approve activities that he/she considers to be inherently dangerous to students.  

In order to facilitate planning and financial considerations, of field trips, all trips should be planned in advance, with board approval, by the October board meeting of the current school year.  Exceptions may be considered, but are not guaranteed.


The Field Trip Check List

  • By October of the school year: Complete Field Trip Request Form - The Board must approve by October (turn in to Lori for presentation to the Board, by October 5th).

  • Fundraising will be done by all students 2 times per year.

  • One team level member should attend Parent Group meeting to request funds (up to 25% - VLCS to pay 25%).

  • Please let the parent group know when you will be attending the meeting, at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

  • Once approved, please give copies to the following:

    • Mrs. Weaver - Adds to the master calendar

    • Mrs. Darst - For financial planning

    • Parent Group

    • Teacher

  • 2 Weeks prior to trip

    • Give Meal Program Directors (Akers and Walnut) a list of students that would normally receive hot lunches (if missing lunch).

    • Request chaperons

    • Issue permission slips

    • Submit list of students to Nurse 10 days in advance (A meeting with the TCOE Nurse may need to take place prior to the field trip.)

  • Keep a copy of all permission slips and medical forms in a binder - this must go on the field trip with the responsible parties.